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Applying The Law of Statistical Propensity


American Roulette Is Now Mathematically Beatable
by R.D. Ellison

Whenever a system becomes completely defined, some damn fool discovers something that either abolishes the system or expands it beyond recognition.
--Brooke's Law

From the moment the first casino opened, there has been an ongoing controversy as to whether table game decisions are affected by previous results. Many players believe that past results do matter. They wait for an even money proposition to win three or four decisions in a row, and then bet on the opposite choice, figuring that it is statistically due. But this kind of thinking is ridiculed by gaming experts, authors, and purists, because it infers that the dice or roulette wheel react to past events. The wheel has no memory, they say of roulette. Therefore, those who believe that past events influence future results are frequently considered to be misguided or naïve.

If you ask ten gaming experts if gaming decisions are independent of all previous decisions, you'll hear the word "yes" approximately ten times. That figure, in fact, was derived from a recent survey I conducted of gaming authors[1], which assumed there was no bias from any mechanical defect or external influence. One of the objectives of this article, however, is to prove that all ten of those answers are wrong.

Is it possible to prove that gaming decisions can be influenced by past results? Answering this question begins with a premise: For a roulette wheel to be deemed suitable for live gaming, it would have to show no bias towards or against any of the playable numbers. This could be reasonably established from a trial run of perhaps 3000 spins. At the end of that trial, if the table decisions do not demonstrate a marked deviation from the mathematical expectation, there shouldn't be a problem. But if the number 8, for example, doesn't turn up once in all of those spins, then there is a problem. For the wheel to pass the test, all the numbers would have to come up in a pattern that resembles a fairly even distribution.

But let's take a closer look at the implications of this. If every table game result is an independent event, how can we ever expect any particular number to come up at all? We can't, because there would be nothing to stop the wheel from selecting a different number, every time. And yet, the same people who say that these numerical events are immaculately independent, expect the numbers to conform with the probabilities. But if such events were truly independent, there would never be a moment, or even a sustained period, when any number could be expected to show up.

There is a causative force that compels numerical events to seek their legitimate place within their assigned probabilities. Whether the dice or wheel have a memory is irrelevant. The influence originates from the effects of statistical propensity, the authority that governs the probabilities of random numerical events.

The key to getting a clear handle on this lies in seeing the difference between viewing table decisions one at a time, or in groups. On a one-by-one basis, it is true that there will never be a time when any number is mandated to appear or not appear. But even in a sampling as small as 3000 spins, you will never see what might be regarded as a catastrophic deviation from the statistical expectation. There's not an unbiased roulette table on earth that can make it through that many spins without our number 8 coming up at least two or three dozen times times.

To understand why this is the case, one must know a little something about the characteristics of the numbers that form the table decisions at roulette. Toward that end, let us look at the 15,000 actual casino spins, as they appear in Erick St. Germain's Roulette System Tester[2]. These spins are broken down into thirteen sessions in a Single Number Distribution Chart that appears at the end of the book. This chart shows how many times each of the 38 playable roulette numbers came up in the course of thirteen groups of 1,140 documented spins apiece.

To get the ball rolling, we will look at the occurrences of the number 7. In all of the groups of 1,140 spins, the 7 came up at least 25 times, but never more than 38 times. That averages out to an occurrence every 30 spins on the low end, and every 45.6 spins on the high end. What's the average of those two figures? 37.8. That's just two-tenths away from the exact statistical expectation of 1 in 38.

Something is making that happen. Independent events are not that obedient or precise, particularly in a sampling that small!

But then, could that just be a fluke? Might we get a whole different set of results from another one of those numbers? Let's take a look at the entire group:
Taking all 38 numbers into consideration, the least number of times any number showed up was 16, and the most number of times was 50. This is a wider range, which accounts for the greater possibility of unconventional trends in a larger sampling, but not one of the 38 numbers tried to escape from the corral. Meaning, each one was compelled to show up a minimum number of times, but not too many times.

This is pretty much how the numbers fall in any group that size. Conformity with this pattern, by and large, is as reliable as a Swiss watch. You never know when a given number will appear, but at the end of the day, every number will have taken its turn in the spotlight. The numbers have not the inclination or the means to overlook the mathematics of statistical destiny.
If every gaming result were truly independent, then it would be possible for a roulette table to fail to produce the number 7 in twenty million consecutive spins, because there would be nothing to enforce that occurrence. But in the real world, unless the wheel is biased, there is a 100 percent chance that won't happen. Anyone who understands the numbers knows that an unbiased table would never make it past the first thousand spins without a 7 coming up.

Assuming the above is true, the only logical conclusion that can be drawn is that it is not possible for gaming results to be truly independent, for those results are constantly bending, however imperceptibly, toward a state of perfect statistical balance. To presume that this is nothing more than a persistent coincidence (that never stops occurring) is not a credible argument!

There's just one tiny problem with all of this. The consensus of gaming experts and mathematicians is that in such matters, past events have no bearing on future results. And this consensus has evolved for generations, and has withstood the test of time throughout that period. How could all those experts be so wrong?

Actually, quite a few of these authorities have been dancing along the edge of this issue for many years:

In his book, Winning at Casino Gambling[3], author Lyle Stuart said that he once witnessed an even money wager at baccarat win 23 consecutive times. He said this was the longest streak he had ever seen in all his years of playing. It is also the longest streak that I have ever read about, heard about, or witnessed. If this is (roughly) the farthest a numerical pattern is likely to stray from the norm in what amounts to trillions of gaming decisions, this is no accident, or coincidence.

In another book, Beat the Casino[4], Frank Barstow follows up that thought with "Dice and the wheel are inanimate, but if their behavior were not subject to some governing force or principle, sequences of 30 or more repeats might be commonplace, and there would be no games like craps or roulette, because there would be no way of figuring probabilities." He goes on to talk about his Law of Diminishing Probability, which is, in effect, one of the subordinate laws of Statistical Propensity.

But these are gaming authors. What do they know? All right; let's see what an expert in statistics has to say. In his book, Can You Win[5], author and statistician Mike Orkin, describing the Law of Averages, seemed to agree with this philosophy when he wrote: "In repeated, independent trials of the same experiment, the observed fraction of occurrences of an event eventually approaches its theoretical probability." In other words, what goes up, must come down. Given enough trials, a statistical balance will be compelled.

The only reason the laws of numerical science have not been modified to allow for this logic is because everyone pussyfoots around the issue. It's just too hot to handle. Indirectly, they embrace the concept, or make obscure references to it, but they don't challenge the existing philosophy.

And I'd be doing the same thing, if not for having developed a betting scheme that gives the player a mathematical advantage over the game of roulette. For it is the implementation of this concept that makes that possible.

So, the most compelling evidence I have to support my theory that past events do influence future results, is in my ability to harness this power in a wagering strategy for roulette, which has been named the 3Q/A Reverse Select. What sets this apart from other strategies is a technique for processing the table data. Utilizing this procedure, a careful analysis of the past table decisions enables the player to foretell future table results with enough precision to reverse the house edge. This in turn enables him to win more than the math of the game would otherwise allow.

Nothing else could explain the phenomenal success of the 3Q/A, which has been independently verified to yield a 7.94% player advantage, in a sampling of over 7,500 live roulette spins. This figure represents a spread of 13.20% over the established house edge of 5.26% for American roulette. And while the size of that sampling is limited by the structure of the 3Q/A, no other strategy or system for roulette would still look good after being subjected to the same testing ground.

Consequently, for players of the 3Q/A, the game of roulette has been transformed from a game of chance, to a game of skill.

But how is this possible? And what makes the 3Q/A work? There is no simple explanation, and if there was, it would be a trade secret. But this much can be said: the 3Q/A is a two-pronged strategy. Each of these two categories covers roughly one-third of the layout, and pays 2-1. What you're doing is playing the one against the other. If you see one of the two betting categories in a state of activity, you choose the other prong as your betting choice for that session. In effect, you're looking for a trend that is occurring inside of a non-trend.
Because of the way the numbers of each respective group are spaced along the wheel itself, the two form a symbiotic relationship, by virtue of the effects of the dealer signature.

The root problem in all other systems is their one-size-fits-all approach, which pays no heed to the inclination of the table. Only through an evaluation of the table's past results can a player aspire to anticipate the direction of trend development, enabling him to gain valuable insights into what the future may hold at that table.

The real art lies in the ability to read the data that is constantly streaming from the table. You have to follow the information labyrinth until you come to the right doorway. Then it becomes a simple matter of timing the strike.

This is where the 3Q/A excels.

But there's another issue here: even if such a system works as claimed, wouldn't the casinos install countermeasures? Not an insurmountable problem. The 3Q/A falls into the surgical strike category, which calls for sessions that are, above all, brief. This helps the player avoid getting trapped when the table is churning out unfriendly patterns. And, since it's a two-pronged strategy, he won't always be playing the same bets. Thus, it is not hard for such moves to be cloaked in the garment of routine play. The dealer won't know what has happened until after the winner is paid.

Well then, could this invention actually kill the game of roulette? Very unlikely. Most of the new players attracted to the game won't have the patience to stick religiously to the procedure. They could never aspire to maintain the same level of discipline the casinos rigorously impose on their staff.

Make no mistake: professional gambling is brutal. I don't think an occupation exists that is so lonely, ungratifying, and unfulfilling (with the possible exception of forced slavery, or data entry).

One may recall a time when the casinos were terrified of card counters at their blackjack tables. So they imposed harsh rules, which ended up alienating their clientele. In time, they did their homework, and realized the non-experts were bringing in more money than what the counters were taking out. So the new rules were relaxed, and now they are not much different from the old days. And so it will be for the 3Q/A.

What about the sample size? Are 7,500 results adequate to pin down a reliable percentage representing the player advantage? Not precisely, but it does offer a strong indication that this strategy is far superior to anything that has ever been offered to the public. And the sampling is large enough to provide reasonable assurance that the 7.94% figure would not be likely to slip by more than a couple points. And that would still translate to a strong advantage over the casino.

Why wasn't a computer simulation of perhaps a million spins performed? The short-term nature of this approach is not adaptable to computer trials, which are designed to process nearly infinite strings of numbers. Such cannot duplicate the effect of moving from table to table, and 'qualifying' each one before the start of play.

What impact might this strategy have on the way casinos do business? Probably less than what one might expect, because having a winning strategy is not even half the battle. Only a small percentage of those who use it are likely to have the fortitude to weather the unexpected downturns that crop up periodically, and the relentless monotony of processing the same damn numbers, the same damn way, endlessly and forever. To win at this game, you have to embrace the notion of spending your workday surrounded by numbers that react to everything you do with anesthetic indifference.

Even if the 3Q/A retains its 7.94% player advantage after having been played a million times, those who run the casinos probably won't be too concerned. They've seen this sort of thing before. They've dealt with card counters, dice mechanics, and wheel clockers, and they're still standing. They know that most of their clientele can't handle the reality of this brand of long-term emotional deprivation. Maybe some players will be able to hold up for short periods, but for most, the structure of player ambition will inevitably collapse.

This is just one reason why the casinos win, and will always continue to do so. That is, until the next wave of technology disproves these words, just as the 3Q/A has disrupted the beliefs of quite a few experts in the gaming industry.

For players who are up to such a task through faithful devotion to the reward, there is nothing out there that gives them a stronger chance to win over this tough opponent, the casino. And if enough people can stick to it, there may be some changes ahead. But don't be cashing in your MGM stock just yet. It's going to take more than the 3Q/A to bring that monster down.

[1] Gaming authors contacted:
Frank Scoblete, John Robison, Walter Thomason, John May, Avery Cardoza, John Grochowski, John G. Brokopp, Henry Tamburin, David Sklansky, Nelson Rose. Collectively, they have written more than 60 gaming-related books. (All ten asserted that past results have no influence on future results at roulette.)
[2] Copyright 1995 by Zumma Publishing Company, Arlington, TX
[3] Copyright 1995 by Barricade Books, Inc., New York NY 10011
[4] Copyright 1984 by Pocket Books, New York, NY 10020
[5] Copyright 1991 by W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, NY

By R.D. Ellison, author, Gamble to Win series of books.

R.D. Ellison, the architect of the 3Q/A strategy for roulette, is one of the world’s leading authorities on casino gambling. The success of this breakthrough procedure is attributed to his discovery of statistical propensity, the force that compels gaming decisions to ultimately conform to their statistical expectation. For more information about the book containing the 3Q/A strategy, please visit the author's website at


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